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Just 9 months after the last Europeans, the TeamGym community is back in full force for the first ever TeamGym Europeans to be held in Luxembourg!
We’re proud to announce a record participation of 17 countries, represented by 598 gymnasts, 318 seniors and 280 juniors! In the junior competition, we’ll see 13 women’s team, 6 mixed teams and 5 men’s teams while the seniors field 10 women’s team, 9 mixed teams and 8 men’s teams.
The 2022 TeamGym Europeans will take place from 14 to 17 September in the Coque sports centre in Luxembourg city.
Join us for a vibrant event, get your tickets on Tickets - TeamGym 2022
Who to watch?
We’re pleased to see the return of Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands who missed last year’s event. Defending Champions Sweden, Iceland and Great Britain will surely give everyone a run for their money.
Most of our 2021 All Star team is on the roster: Asta Kristinsdottir (ISL), Saona Canaud (FRA), Agnes Arvidsson (SWE), Evelina Rosengren (SWE), Teddie Ohrslin (SWE), Helgi Laxdal Adalgeirsson (ISL) and Elias Gustafsson (SWE) are all listed to compete. Kolbrun Tholl Thorradottir (ISL), Nicole Hosseini (SWE), Connor Wharram (GBR) and Victor Emanuelsson (SWE) are reserve gymnasts for their respective teams.
We wish all gymnasts a fantastic competition!
Competition format
Teams are formed by 8 to 12 gymnasts in 3 categories: men’s, women’s and mixed team. Both juniors and seniors will compete.
Each team competes on trampet, tumble and floor. The three scores combined determine the team ranking. 8 to 10 gymnasts compete on trampet and tumble each. All gymnasts are required to perform in the floor exercise.
The best 8 teams advance to the finals unless there are less than 12 teams in qualifications, then the best 6 teams advance to that final.
The best male and female gymnasts from each apparatus will become part of the All Stars team: 6 male and 6 female gymnasts. The selection includes gymnasts from the combined senior and junior competitions and will be announced after the last final on Saturday 17 September.
Schedule ***All times indicated are in Luxembourg (LUX) local time***
Wednesday 14 September
Junior Qualifications
15:15 – 15:45 Opening Ceremony
15:45 – 16:45 Jr Men’s Teams
17:15 – 18:40 Jr Mixed Teams
19:00 – 21:50 Jr Women’s Teams
Thursday 15 September
Senior Qualifications
14:00 – 15:55 Sr Mixed Teams
16:30 – 18:35 Sr Women’s Teams
19:15 – 20:55 Sr Men’s Teams
Friday 16 September
14:00 – 15:00 Jr Men’s Teams
Followed by award ceremony
15:45 – 17:10 Jr Mixed Teams
Followed by award ceremony
18:00 – 19:40 Jr Women’s Teams
Followed by award ceremony
Saturday 17 September
12:00 – 13:25 Sr Mixed Teams
Followed by award ceremony
14:00 – 15:25 Sr Women’s Teams
Followed by award ceremony
16:00 – 17:20 Sr Men’s Teams
Followed by award ceremony, SmartScoring Shooting Star awards, All-Star announcement and Closing Ceremony
How to follow
The entire competition will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqB9xgf9RpD96ci4RuFEKzQ and linked on SmartScoring’s gymtv.online where the live scoring is also found.
As usual European Gymnastics will provide start lists, results, videos and competition reports on its website and social media. Results of past championships are available on our website.
Official hashtag of the event: #TeamGym2022