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She was part of the French team that secured Olympic qualification during the Test Event in Rio in 2016, before taking part in the Games as the youngest member of the French team. Oréane Lechenault, a European team bronze medallist also in 2016, ends her career. She talked to the French Gymnastics Federation reflecting on this decision and her years within the French national team.
FFGym: How and why did you decide to end your career?
Lechenault: I made the decision that this season would be the last. I was aiming for a second Olympic selection, that was my main objective. Then I wanted to end my career because I think I have already experienced a lot through gymnastics, I have participated in many competitions and I have achieved many of my goals. I just wanted to turn to a new page. But I got injured at the start of the season, in September, I had to have an operation and that questioned my plans. It is true that I have injured myself a lot since I joined INSEP and with this new injury, I have asked myself many questions. I wondered if it was really worth it to go back to training and try to reach this second Olympic selection, because even if I wanted to at the start, I realized that this objective would be complicated to reach. Little by little, the motivation was no longer the same. I had started to discuss the subject with my coaches, but this decision is not easy to make. During my rehabilitation, I thought a lot, alone and with my parents. I was also able to take the time to reflect on my professional project. I did research and found a course that I really like. Thinking about it is one thing, but taking the plunge is a difficult step. After all these thoughts I decided to end my career.
FFGym: What is your professional project?
Lechenault: I would like to become a special educator and for this I have applied to several schools. I would very much like to join the school in Nice and come back to the south, near my parents' home. I am currently preparing the oral exams to integrate this training, which will take place soon, by phone because of the confinement. I am lucky to have my mom who works in the social field, so I met more special educators during my rehabilitation, which I did at home in the south. My project has thus matured, and I am very motivated to continue on this path.
FFGym: How do you feel about stopping gymnastics?
Lechenault: I have been in a high-level structure since I was 11 years old, I have always known this environment and therefore I am a little afraid to change my life, to return to a “classic” school. Sitting in a chair listening to teachers, I'm not necessarily used to it and I'm afraid of making new friends. This is one of the reasons why at first, I didn't want to stop the gym, to stay with my friends, to stay in this gymnastic environment that I have always known, it is the hardest. And if I am accepted in Nice, I will have my apartment, I will live alone while I have always lived in a host family or in boarding school where I only had a few meters to go to see my friends. Living alone, preparing meals, shopping, managing money, all these things that I didn’t care about before ... But I’m not the only one to have been there and I should get by (laughs).
FFGym: Will you continue to follow the gym?
Lechenault: Gymnastics is a part of me so I think I will continue to follow gymnastics; it will stay with me. In addition, my little sister does gymnastics, so I know I will keep going to see her. Sometimes her coach invites me to come to the gym to share my experience. I will surely also visit my former teammates.
FFGym: Looking back, what was the best moment of your career?
Lechenault: I think my best memory will remain the qualification of the French team for the 2016 Olympic Games, during the Test Event in Rio. It was a very emotional moment. Basically, I had to be just a replacement and finally I joined the team. But that day, I succeeded, and we qualified the French team to the Games. I remember the emotion when I finished my routine, I had tears in my eyes. The Olympic Games will also remain a very good experience because I managed to achieve a dream. But the feelings I felt during the Event test were really strong. I remember very well Véronique Legras who was very stressed because the girls did not do very well. Even if I didn't really look at the others because I had to focus on my exercise, I understood very well when Véronique told me that I had to do just as usual and that everything would pass fine. I felt that she was counting on me, but that she did not want to put pressure on me. When I succeeded with my routine, it was truly magical.
FFGym: What will you remember from your years of gymnastics apart from this beautiful moment?
Lechenault: I think that the gym is a bit of a school of life, you learn a lot, especially respect. From an early age, you are asked to respect rules and share strong values that will be useful to you throughout your personal and professional life. Gymnastics is like a big family, where you can count on the people around you, the staff, your teammates ... All together, we evolve, we grow, and we go further. Gymnastics is far from being an easy sport, we have a lot of ups and downs, but it allows us to build a character and arm ourselves for our future life.
FFGym: Any advice for little girls who would like to follow your path?
Lechenault: You must never let go. Nothing is never lost. You always have to hold on even if you are having a bit of a difficult time. You should never lose hope and always set yourself a goal and gradually climb the ladder to reach it. You always have to be determined and believe in yourself, this is the most important.
FFGym: Who are the people you want to thank?
Lechenault: I would like to thank Véronique Legras, the coach of the French team, with whom I have experienced all my major competitions and who has always been there for us. I would also like to thank all the staff of FFGym, because without it, gymnastics does not exist. I also want to thank my coaches and all the technical staff who surround us on a daily basis, because without them we are not much: since my beginnings at the Ancienne de Paris, Morgane Domenech and Kany, then those of the Créteil club with Cathy Boutard, Séverine Onephandara and Nellu Pop, those from the Toulon centre, Eric and Céline Boucharin and finally those from INSEP, Martine George, Cédric Guille and Nellu Pop once again. It is thanks to them that I reached such a level in gymnastics and that I became the person I am today, because they taught me so many principles and values. So, there you are, thank you for all you have done for me, I will not forget you. I also thank my parents and my sisters, because without them, I would never have done gymnastics and I would never have believed in myself so much. They have always been there, in both good and bad times. Finally, I thank all the people who believed in me.
Merci Oréane, all the best!