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What an exciting final on this last day of the Rhythmic Europeans! Several gymnasts challenged for a place on the podium and it was nail-biting till the very end. The battle for gold displayed between Israel’s Linoy Ashram and Belarussian Alina Harnasko kept fans around the world on the edge of their seat. With just 0.050 separating them going into the final rotation, Alina Harnasko went for broke with clubs, posting a 26.550, the highest score of the final, for a total of 100.900. All eyes were on Linoy Ashram as she performed a fantastic hoop routine to score … 26.500, equalling Harnasko’s total score. As the tie breaking rules state, first the total execution score is compared. In this case, both gymnasts had the same execution score over all 4 apparatus. Then, the technical deductions were taken into account, moving Ashram into the lead ahead of Harnasko. For the bronze medal, several gymnasts were in contention before the fourth and last routine but it was Anastasia Salos (BLR) that stepped up to the challenge set. She joined her teammate on the podium, guaranteeing a successful event for her country. A drop in her final routine with clubs ended Boryana Kaleyn’s medal chances. The Bulgarian finished fourth ahead of Nicol Zelikman (ISR) and Yeva Meleshchuk (UKR).
The last non-Russian European Champion in the all-around dates back to 1997 when Ukraine’s Elena Vitrichenko won.
Congratulations to the medallists!
You can find the complete results on https://www.europeangymnastics.com/event/2020-european-championships-rhythmic-gymnastics/results
This concludes the 36th European Championships in Rhythmic Gymnastics.
A huge THANK YOU to the Local Organising Committee, the Ukrainian Gymnastics Federation and the city of Kyiv for ensuring a coronaproof event that was held to the highest standard. And of course, a special shoutout to all the participating countries. You make this world glow!
See you in Varna (BUL) from 9 to 13 June next year!